I have had a new helper this week, as well as someone who really wanted to come inside to join in the fun!Here's Mr Squirrly, offering to come and act as a model in case I wanted to do any squirrel stamp designs.
When he realised that I was working on Christmas designs and that I didn't really need any paper being nibbled round the edges he hopped off in a sulk! Cute little fellah isn't he, and as you can see, quite bold.
However, for some really dedicated help, how about this.....
....he's only been with us for a few days, but he thought he'd check out what I was up to.....
......and it didn't take him long to join in and help. He even had a go at some cutting out for me!
Well, I must get back to work now, but do take a look at http://craftingpets.blogspot.com/ to see what other help is being given to creative people.
So funny and cute Lindsay!
Hugs xx
p.s. thanks for the link - off to check out the crafty pets now.
Oh Lindsay your little helpers are soooo cute!!!. Have you got a name for kitty yet??? did he have a name on his tag?. Keep us posted. Hugs Clare xxx
Ah both of them are lovely. Jake still calls squirrels quirrels. Hee hee so cute. Hope all is well with you and the new addition. Love Hxxx
Amazing and gorgeous. That beautiful pusscat knows who to stay with. Mr Linky on my post has decided not to play today so I will add your link to the end of my post.
Hugs Joanne xx
Hey Puddy Tat's really made himself at home - how fab!!!
Great squirrel pic too.
Lovely cat I have a border collie. Hubby is allergic to cats. Haven't popped in to say hi for ages so thought I'd stop by x hope your well xxx
Aww Lindsay what fab photos...he is lovely. :-) Looking forward to catching up with you and David XX this weekend. Much love S xxx
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