Hello everyone, well, it's been a pretty dull day weather wise...must be a Bank Holiday weekend! In a way I was rather pleased that it wasn't a sunnier day, as I would have been fed up at having to stay inside and work! (That sounds really selfish, and I don't mean it really! Or do I?!?)
I had a rather nasty accident on Saturday as I was tidying my craft things away. Those of you who I have met may have heard me say that I often work on the floor - I know it's a little bizarre, but I just sort of spread out! I was kneeling down and picking up scraps for the bin when I felt a little pin prick at the side of my right knee. It wasn't painful, but, when I looked down, the handle of my heavy duty pricking tool was sticking out of my leg and the thick, needle part was in my leg up to the hilt! (An inch and a quarter - I measured it!) It wasn't bleeding and I gritted my teeth and began to pull it out - it came out a few millimetres and that was it, it was absolutely stuck. My skin was pulling up with the tool but it would not come out...and that did hurt! I realised that it was probably the dried on glue on the tool acting like a bee sting's barb. David was washing the car so I rang his mobile, only to realise that it was charging up on the shelf! I was upstairs and manouevred my way gingerly into the bathroom which overlooks where the car is, but I couldn't reach the window to call to him, so I threw a note of the window along with a plastic razor, which was the nearest thing to hand, to attract his attention. Nothing! So, I began waving a big towel up to the window, throwing all sorts of things down to him as well as shouting my head off...still no response. I gave up and stayed on the floor wondering what more I had to do to attract his attention. After about half an hour he appeared and it turned out that he had washed the car and gone straight to Sainsbury's! He hadn't even been outside as I rained down all the stuff!
Thankfully, after a few minutes of gentle tugging, twisting and tugging, David managed to pull the tool out of my leg whilst I stuffed a towel in my mouth and felt a bit sick! Amazingly, it didn't bleed and (apart from whilst trying to pull it out) was not painful at all...the only time I have ever been glad that I've got little fat legs!
Anyway, just to warn everyone - do keep an eye on where your pricking tool is at all times! Although it was a painful experience, it was very funny too!
I found some old card samples this week whilst I was rummaging about for some card stock.
This first one was made several years ago when I was heavily into using little scrabble tiles - as you can see! It's odd looking back on things that you created a long time ago, and trying to recall what inspired the design. The one below was made as a project for Making Cards magazine and featured UTEE panels stamped in purple Stazon with vintage ladies (both from the Beryl Peters colection by Personal Impressions). I used Alcohol inks onto shiny card which had a sort of mother of pearl, pinky effect, which really softened the colours.
I've just finished clearing away again (no stabbing myself this time!) and am now going to start typing up some projects before a relaxing evening watching some telly...if there's anything on worth watching of course!
Take care everyone, and watch out for those pricking tools! Lindsay
OUCH!!!! That sounds so sore. Take care and watch it doesn't get infected. Its been a really cold Bank Holiday here so not done much. Hazelxo
ouch!! that sounds painful. take care and keep an eye on the wound!
Oh! Lyndsay....sorry to mock the afflicted but that was so funny!.....what some of us have to suffer for our craft....Seriously though hope you are O.K.
It's ok Artyjen, I meant you to laugh! As I say, it's amazing how it didn't hurt at all except when trying to get the thing out...I always say that Glossy Accents is good stuff!Lindsay x
Eek I'm gonna have nightmares tonight :D That sounds 'orrible. I know I once stood on a needle - like you the was no pain - but I was white and nauseous having to pull it out of my heel. Crafting should come with a health warning!!! Pxx
Oh Lyndsay that sounds awful the experience of having that accident but also being alone, I glad your alright.
Your cards are as always simply stunning i admire and love your work very much. I also know what you mean about working on the floor i love laying on my stomach painting or colouring when making my cards.
Only thing is i hate spiders and can tell you last time i lay on the floor i wreaked a card i was working on cause a big spider ran across the floor lol..
Have a great week and be safe
hugs Sharon xx
Who'd have thought crafting was so dangerous. I nearly hyperventilated trying out your straw and reinker technique! Not quite as serious as your's though - hope you're feeling better.
Lyndsay, for goodness sake, I hope you went for a tetanus jab. How awful. Hope you are ok now. xx
Ooh that sounds really nasty Lindsay. Hope it is getting better now. Do take care and watch that floor of yours lol Love Cynthia x
Hi Lindsay ,
I hope you don't mind but i was given friendship awards which to keep the friendship chain going you have to pass on to eight others , Well i could not think of anyone id rather give the awards to, Your blog does make me smile so it seemed very fitting to award the blogs to you.
If you accept them please pop over to my blog so you can get them.
all the best of wishes
Sharon xx
Hello Lindsay,
I do hope that your little leggy gets better, I can't believe how brave you were, I would have fainted for sure!
Thanks for your comment on my grandpa, he's back in hospital this week, with fluid on his lungs although we are feeling a bit happier about it because he is getting the right care he needs to get better!
See you soon, love to David, Best wishes Sarah xxx
Hi Lindsay - Ouch!!! from me too. Hope your post has arrived safely. Take care and I'll be in touch soon. xxx
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