Monday, 22 February 2016

Catch up - again!

Hello folks, just having another catch up on this sunny Monday morning - hope it's sunny wherever you are too.
Since my last post my big softie pusscat Thomas has been to the vet's a few times after going off his food. First he was diagnosed with a mouth infection but a second visit, and closer inspection, revealed that he needed a dental operation. So, on Wednesday he will be going in to have several teeth out which I am hoping will solve his problems. It's been very tough trying to get him to eat....mushed up high calorie prescribed pate which I've been syringing into his mouth, lots of cream, Lick-e-Lix and butter lapped from my fingers as well as antibiotics and painkillers...not easy. I'll be glad when Wednesday comes around, although I'll also be feeling queasy with worry.

An enormous quote was presented to me of I didn't have but I knew I would have to just find a way to raise it. My sister suggested I tried Crowdfunding and it seemed worth a try. I created a page and uploaded it to my Facebook page and am amazed, grateful and thrilled to say that, due to lots of very generous, often anonymous, donations, the money was raised in a few hours! I never cease to be amazed at how warm hearted people are. I'll let you know how the little sweetheart gets on.
Well, it's Stitches Trade show at the NEC at the moment and it seems quite strange not being there...the first time that I've not been demonstrating and teaching there since I started. I'm feeling relaxed about it though and enjoying the lack of pressure which I really need for the time being at least. I'll be keen to know how my new stamp designs went down at the show though!
I've added some new items to my Etsy shop, including a canvas which I created for Crafts Beautiful magazine at the end of last year and the Winter Frost canvas which I did for the DecoArt Design Team challenge - step by step instructions are in an earlier post here on my blog. Here are a few of the new items...

Hope you like them! Any money from sales at present is going straight into Thomas's fund for his post operative care...medication, follow up appointments and specialist food.
Well, having mentioned it's being a sunny day here, it's now clouding over and turning grey! Still, not as cold as last week so that's good.
Have a good week whatever you're up to and hope you find time to do something creative!

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