Saturday, 7 February 2015

A Stitch(es) in Time"

Hello folks, I'm just having a coffee break from my Doo Lally room so I thought I'd have a catch up. Don't forget that, even if you don't "do" Facebook, you can still look at my pages as they are on an open setting. 
Anyway, I've been busy as I always am at this time of year, getting more things made for the Stitches trade show next weekend. I'm getting some good ideas for the next round of workshops too!
So, time to share a few photos!
I've made a few heart shaped pieces this week. Here are two quite different examples...
...this one involved a twig from my garden which I wrapped with tissue, painted black and then used Lustres over to spruce it up a little - no pun intended! The sunnier days are making me look forward to venturing back into the and this creation was inspired by thinking of Spring being on the way.
This heart with wings has a much darker feel....
.....I used some old wire to create the hanger...ribbon seemed far too pretty for this one!
All the pieces that I'm making for the show will be added to my Etsy shop when I get back from Birmingham.
You'd think that my two pusscats would be out enjoying prowling the fields now that the weather has improved but, no, they are still in semi hibernation mode, lounging about on bed or chairs for most of their time. Tara looked a little annoyed that I'd caught her in a rather inelegant pose!
I've been trying to capture some of the glorious skies that I've seen here lately. This one was quite dramatic because of all the vapour trails...I'm never aware of many planes flying overhead here, but I guess they must have been about on this morning!
The moon gave the evening sky a really eerie look reminiscent of a painting by John Atkinson Grimshaw, but I couldn't manage to really capture it on camera. The sky had an almost peacock blue cast that night.
 Well, the coffee is drunk now and I really should get back to work. One last photo which is one of my occasional "this day last year" ones. This time from the Event City show in Trafford where I was demonstrating Sizzix dies and having fun making birdhouses, tea cups, watering cans and dimensional flowers!
Take care and keep warm everyone...the weather's improving but it's still pretty nippy!


  1. Wow! Gorgeous samples you're taking with you! Love the sky pictures - must get some of mine off my phone camera. I've noticed that sometimes there are plane trails and I've never seen a plane! Love Tara's indignant look!! Hope you can stay warm - they say temps are going up bit next week!(We'll see!!) Chris

  2. Wow, really striking pieces! Good luck with the show, I know you will be very popular.

  3. Beautiful artwork as always. Have fun at Stitches. I shan't be there this year :( so I must catch up with you soon. Haven't had a Lindsay hug in ages :D P xxx

  4. Love the samples you've made, i'm sure you will be very busy :) good luck!! take care ELx
