...yes indeed, my new Christmas stamp designs are now on the Personal Impressions website. It makes all the intense work worthwhile when I see them up there! However, at the moment there are no images showing, just tantalising titles! If you'd like to check out what's in store and maybe have a guess as to what they will be (Lol!) then you can take a look here. As you can see, there are quite a lot of them!
My trip to the dentist went fine this morning and almost an hour later I had a temporary crown in place after everything had been prepared and measured for the genuine article in two weeks time. I must say I have never felt so glamourous as when I was lying flat out on the dentist's chair with a huge lump of bright blue moulding material crammed into my mouth - I'm sure it looked really attractive! I've got to be a bit careful what I eat for the next fortnight but at least I sort of have a smile back!
I'm off to the Vicarage this evening for the first of our study sessions based on Les Miserables, so am really looking forward to some lively conversation. The characters in the story are all fascinating in varying ways and we'll be looking at a different one each week. Then tomorrow evening, after a day of working on new samples, there is another puppet rehearsal at Church. We're learning how to become more adept at using the sticks that can be attached to the puppets' wrists to allow us to manipulate their hands and arms. It's a bit like patting your head and rubbing your tummy but I'm sure we'll get there eventually!
This was one of the performances we did last year. There were three of us behind the screen working five separate sheep!
And, looking back at today last year this was one of the photos I took....
...inside St Chad's Church on one of the first days that I was helping out as assistant Verger.
I was looking back last night at my blog posts that were on that day going back over the years. I found one from 2011 and one photo was this one of a page from my art journal....
...I was contemplating whether to add two figures to the page, representing David and me. I did draw us into the picture, battling against the elements. David always joked that he noted I was sheltering behind him! So, it seems poignant to look back and see the empty boat.I haven't done anything in my journal for a while but I am hoping to get some time in the next few weeks to put that right.
Well, a bit of a strange mix of a post this one! I had better get myself ready to walk round to the Vicarage now and I'll post some peeps at my new stamp sets as soon as the images are released.
So I come on to comment to find that you've posted again! Glad your Dentist visit went well! I'm sure you enjoyed your Les Mis discussion! Awaiting the pics now!! Hope you do find time to play in your journal! Hugs to you and the furry ones, Chrisxx