Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Just a quick sign in...

Thanks for the messages that I've had this last week asking if all is well after my absence from my blog. This is just a quick few words to say "I'm still here!", and I'll try to do a more interesting, longer post before too long.
I won't go into all the details, but mum has been really poorly, my brother in law is very ill and my sister, Heather, is struggling with a sciatic type of pain that's kept her immobile over the last few weeks. It's all meant extra time being spent using the buses to get about, make visits etc, as well as trying to catch up with all my work so blogging has just taken a back seat for the time being.
I do have lots of photos to share from the last week or two though, so I will try to spend a decent amount of time on here very soon. I will be replying to emails soon too - I promise!


  1. Take care of yourself too, Lindsay

  2. Life can be a real bugger at times !! Keep your chin up sweetie !!

    hugs Diane xx

  3. Take care Best wishes ginny

  4. Hope everything is ok. Was lovely to meet you today x
