Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Just a quick hello

No clever title for this quick post! I'm just signing in to say hello really. I also wanted to show you the gorgeous ATC that my friend Chris and her granddaughter Em made for me. I was going to take a photo of it the other day but have to confess that I thought I'd lost it! However, when I was unpacking all my gear from Saturday's demonstration there it and sound and placed in a safe spot in my case - always a bad idea for me to put things in safe places! Anyway, whew, and here it is....
 ...isn't it lovely. The lace is very "on trend" just now too but my favourite thing are the dangly beads and crystals. Thanks Chris and Em!
After my busy time on Saturday...six hours of travel made it a very long day....I had been feeling really tired and kept dropping off in the evening. I hate it when you're enjoying watching a good tv drama and keep missing bits when your head starts lolling. After a bit of a shivery shake on Sunday night I woke up on Monday morning feeling rotten, so a sofa day was called for. I always refuse to be poorly, so I rested, dosed up on paracetamol and dug my heels in! Yesterday I felt much better and it was such a lovely sunny day that, after I'd prepped everything for my day at Samuel Taylor's this Saturday, I went into the garden and sat on the bench for a while. The sunshine and fresh air really did the trick and I even spent an hour trimming the lavender bush and pulled up some dead foliage from last year's annuals. I'm looking forward to getting the garden tidied properly as soon as the warmer days are really here and I'm all set to start potting up seeds. The conservatory is going to be like a greenhouse this year!
I took my camera with me when Heather and I called into the village today as St Chad's church is noted for the stunning display of crocuses and snowdrops which completely carpet the grounds at this time of year. The display only lasts a short time, and last year I didn't get a picture. Unfortunately it wasn't sunny today so the flowers were all closed up. There aren't nearly as many as usual either, so I'm hoping that I'll be able to get some better pictures next week. Still, they do look cheerful...
 ....if a little sparse yet! I have a total of eight crocuses (crocii?!) in my garden so far - whoopie doo!
I've had quite a few emails asking where you can get hold of my Doo Lally Pip range of stamps. Any store that sells Personal Impressions products can order them for you if they don't have them in stock and all of the shops that I'll be demonstrating in will have them. I'll try and set up a link to a list of shops that I know definitely carry them though, so watch this space.
Ohhhh ggggrrrrr!!!!! I just spent ages typing the rest of this post and then blogger went daft and decided to dump it all except for the above! Darn, I hate it when I have to re write things. So, this is now a shorter version.....basically....I'll be at Samuel Taylors in Brighouse on Saturday....another really looong day due to rail disruptions so I have to get up at 5.15am! Daft o'clock as David would have called it. Six hours travel again makes it a very tiring work day indeed.
I also went on to say that the beef curry I cooked the other night was absolutely....delicious! Also that I think David must have been guiding my hands as I added things to the pan as I've never managed to cook a really good curry like that before - he'd have enjoyed it.
Other than that, I was just bemoaning that supermarkets do all those two for one, three for two offers which are rubbish if you live alone (can we just have lower prices please) but that the new grocer in the village is now selling single eggs! So, I was able to buy three today instead of half a dozen that I never seem to manage to eat before the sell by date.
Anyway, thank you blogger for ruining the end of my post and I'll sign off now and get my dinner sorted!


  1. Excellent, I just knew your dinner would turn out perfectly! Your confidence in the kitchen is coming on leaps and bounds. And I agree, it's better to have reduced prices rather than bogof offers in supermarkets. Pxx

  2. Those crocuses look lovely! I always used to like driving along Princess road when they began to bloom! A sure sign of spring on its way! Good to get smaller amounts of food-much better to have what you want fresh than having to eat up old stuff first! Glad you liked our atc, love and hugs, Chrisx

  3. Hi Lindsay, That it a lovely atc that Chris has made for you, I am so glad you found it. The croci are so pretty the colours make me smile Spring is just around the corner. Sorry I didnt get chance to catch up with you at High Legh, something came up I had to deal with. Hugs Mo x

  4. Morning Lindsay, I have some crocus in the sinks by the front doo, but no sign elsewhere, I think the squirrels must have been following me when I was planting in autumn because there is no sign of them. I have been looking online for your stamps but no joy yet. Have a good day.
