Thursday, 30 August 2012

Ready for another trip

Just a photo free post this afternoon whilst I'm having a coffee. I've finished packing my case for my trip to Skegness this weekend...a case full of stamps, inks, samples and dies - not much in the way of clothes. My faithful old case is really fraying at the edges now and, despite David putting new wheels on for me last year, it's beginning to get very rickety. But, I'm really fond of it and it's stood me in good stead for many years now, there's a perfect spot for everything that I need to take and it's just the right size. So, I'll keep my fingers crossed that I can keep using it for a while longer yet!
It's a long trip tomorrow, five and a half hours and three train changes in all. So, I've got very organised with some healthy (and a couple of slightly less healthy!) snacks, my Nintendo is all charged up and I've borrowed an audio book from the library to listen to. My brother in law had an old personal CD player that I'm taking, so I'll be the antique on the train who's not using an MP3, i-pod or whatever other new fangled gadgets everyone's using these days!
The "book" is "The Star of the Sea" which I have been meaning to read for the past few years, so I'll enjoy having it being read to me instead and it will stop me from having too much time to spend in sad thoughts which long train journeys are prone to allow. I'll let you know what I think of the book, though at over sixteen hours, I won't have listened to all of it by the time I get home!
I'm hoping the weather stays fair for tomorrow so that I can enjoy having a look round Skegness in the afternoon. There's a seal sanctuary a few hundred yards from the hotel, so I imagine I might have a wander down there at some point. Should have some good pictures to share after the weekend.
There were loads of mosquitoes in the house again last night, despite my keeping the doors closed from before dusk. I had to go on a bit of a rampage again I'm afraid, as one got me in the hand the other night. Thankfully, the cream and pills have kept the reaction a little less bothersome this time, but I am getting fed up with bitey things now! To redress the balance I rescued a big red tailed bee this morning. I spotted him on the path where I'd seen him yesterday afternoon and he was very much the worse for wear after obviously being soaked through in last night's downpour. Poor thing was on his last legs so I put him onto a sprig of lavender and brought him into the conservatory where he could warm up, and put some sugar water onto cotton wool so he could have an "energy drink"! He began to perk up after about half an hour, so I put him onto a nice flowery Marjoram plant outside and he has been there all day, soaking up the little bit of sun that we've had. Hopefully, he'll be fine to look after all our lovely bees!
So, hope to see some of you at Cutting Edge Crafts on Saturday for a day of tips and techniques. Do say hello if you're a follower or reader of my ramblings - it's always good to put faces to names! Have a good weekend everyone.


  1. Have a brilliant time Lindsay :) I believe the weather is supposed to be fine, so you'll have your chance to look around Skegness & report back :) Pxx

  2. Skegness is one of those places we always joke about going to but I really would love to go and be beside the seaside. Hope you get the chance to visit the seals. Have a great day there. Audio books always put me to sleep, no matter how interesting the book.....well done for saving the bee, there are so few this year. Crafty hugs, Anne x

  3. have a lovely time,love your tale of train journeys who you meet and what you see, bit to far to come have to wait till you are in essex again,take care. hugs ginny

  4. Lindsay,love reading your stories,well done for saving the bee! Have a lovely time look forward to your photos and story of our weekend xx
