Monday, 9 July 2012

Garden progress

The rain scuppered most of my good intentions for weeding and making more progress in the garden over the last few days. However, I did manage to pull up another mini jungle of weeds, so things are at least starting to look tidier. David and I had been mid way through removing gravel and planning a vegetable patch when he became ill, so it's all got a bit overgrown again as you can see.... ......we had just about got through the digging of the right hand (veg) section but the dreaded weeds have come again, so now it all needs re digging. The left patch had been gravelled over but we wanted to return it to being a small lawn again. David was so determined to get it done that he would sit on a chair, trowel in hand, scooping the gravel into a bucket then transferring it to the wheelbarrow for me to move. He could have shifted the whole lot in an afternoon at one time, so it was very frustrating for him, but he wouldn't hear of leaving it to me.
The veg patch is being ditched now....I'd never be able to eat enough to justify it! So, I'm sketching some ideas utilising stepping stones, some of the gravel, pots and maybe a rockery area. I'll grow a few veg in containers - my tomato plants are doing okay and, fingers crossed, the slugs have left them alone.
Anyway, having cleared some of the weeds (to the area left of that in the photo) it seemed a good idea to get some plants to replace them with. So Heather and I went to the garden centre this afternoon, armed with a 25% discount voucher, and chose a selection..... .....a couple of Hebes, an Astilbe, one that I can't recall the name of (the tall orangey one) a little fern, a Potentilla and a beautiful rose which the picture doesn't do justice to. It's in remembrance of David as he always thought a garden wasn't complete without roses. It's a deep, vibrant red and I know he would have loved it.
Heather had stayed over last night after she came round to watch the Wimbledon men's final with me. David and I always loved Wimbledon fortnight, so it had been very odd watching the matches alone, and Heather's hubby doesn't like the tennis. We did enjoy it, despite Andy losing. He did himself proud but we thought the crowd were a bit slow to really get behind him and cheer him on when he had his low moments. Oh well.
After dinner we went for a little stroll down the lane with Thomas and Tara and when we came back into the garden I spotted some little beetles on the lavender bush. They were the size and shape of Ladybirds, but were a sumptuous metallic greeny bronze colour with fine red stripes. They had a real oil and water look when the light caught them. We'd never seen them before but a Google search revealed them to be Rosemary Leaf Beetles which eat Lavender and Thyme as well as their namesake. I think the few that we saw won't pose a problem and they are so pretty that I think I'd forgive them. I managed to take a photo of one this afternoon....
......I never fail to see something interesting on my evening strolls. When we ventured out again later we saw bats flitting about which is always a treat. Once again, nature manages to bring positive thoughts and emotions!
Well, no gardening for the next few days as I have to work on some Crafts Beautiful magazine projects. I'll take some pictures of my horticultural progress over the next few weeks though. Better get to bed now as I have a busy day ahead and the terrible twosome (you don't even want to know what Thomas did this evening, but he was in big trouble) will be waking me at the crack of dawn as usual.


  1. The garden is coming along and doing a bit here and there is the right way to go. I've done nothing except moan about my neck, which I had to go to the doctor's about in the end, and struggle with a stomach bug which believe me is making me feel even worse. So long as it goes for my hols. Better let you get on with your project.
    big hugs from a distance so you don't catch the lurgy.
    Joanne xxxx

  2. I think you have some wonderful ideas for your garden - I'll look forward to seeing the progress!
    And how wonderful your strolls sound..I thought I'd spotted a mutant caterpillar in our was white with yellow and black markings...googled it and it was a saw fly larva..:(
    Hugs xx
    p.s. I thought the same about the crowd at Wimbledon.

  3. Coo! Your garden is going to be fantastic, just hope we get better weather so that you can enjoy it! Hugs, Chrisxx

  4. Your plans in the garden sound ideal....can I suggest something that will cut down that dreaded weeding thing....when you plant your gorgeous flowers do spend the extra few pounds and give the ground a thick mulch of bark...or whatever is your choice...I've found it works wonders :) When you are on your own there is only so much time in which to do these things!!! Personally...even though I love my garden...I'd rather not spend hours weeding LOL;)

  5. Ah well, in our house I am tasked with weeding and I can tell you this has been a bumper year with all the rain. I think Artyjen's idea is a good one. Love the look of your new plants and that beetle is a fabulous colour! Little and often is the best way with the weeds......Anne x
