Thursday, 8 March 2012

Enough to make a cat laugh...

I've got a pot of hot fruit tea sitting on the table and whilst it's brewing I thought I'd write a post as a change from doing so in the evening. It's a bit overcast here this morning, but I have a feeling it will brighten up quite soon and then I'll have lovely natural light to work by. I'm almost set for tomorrow's demonstration but there are always lots of last minute things that need to be done, plus packing everything into my "Tardis" case of course - not my favourite bit!
So, tomorrow I'll be in Frodsham for Crabapple Crafts 7th birthday celebrations - just click the link to see more details of who else will be there and some special offers for the day. I'm going to be working with a fairly eclectic range of things including some of Andy's stamps, including his Easter set. I like Easter cards to be quite simple as this one shows - just wish my camera would pick up the colours more exactly.
I'll be bringing my Art Journal with me - by request! This is a new page in progress on my table the other evening. I usually have no idea what I'm going to create when I start...I just see what transpires and then go from there. This spread started by tearing round two Encyclopedia Britannica dictionary pages and glueing them into my journal. I then covered them with Multi Matte Medium so that I could work over them without anything seeping through to the other side ie onto completed pages. I've then painted them with Martha Stewart Summer Linen satin paint before wiping off areas with a soft cloth to reveal more or less of the words in the background. I drew a border using a black Promarker and then added the extra lines which I'll work on as I progress. Finally, I blended Vintage Photo, Mustard Seed and Barn Door Distress inks over the main areas - just a soft hint of colour. I have done a bit more on this page since then, so will share another photo next time. I also finished a page this week. When I started it, several months ago, I had no idea what it would turn out as. I had gessoed the pages and blended some pale blue Neo Colour over them. I had also done a very vague pencil sketch when I was on the train going to....somewhere! Because I lost my journal for a time (gulp) I didn't get any further and so the other evening I decided to see where it led me. It's a simple page, just keeping to my initial sketches and using a fine line black pen and Promarkers to add the colours, details and words. The giant mushrooms aren't my usual colour choices, but I felt like being daring! Don't think Thomas was very impressed with my efforts though.....I caught him sniggering next day as I went past the window with my camera! It was a beautiful morning and I'd gone outside to take a few photographs. The sun was beaming down on a very special place in the garden which marks the grave of our beautiful little pusscat Cherry. It was lovely to see the crocusses coming through as there isn't much colour in the garden yet. Well, I will get that cuppa now and get back to work. Hope to see lots of you in Frodsham tomorrow. I'm sure it will be a really enjoyable day.


  1. I love the mushroom page. It's fun and the happiness comes through. I reckon that's what Thomas felt too. I can tell you a little secret now. I tried to book the camp site at Lady Heyes so I could come and see you but it's full....Boohoo! Hope you have fun.
    Hugs Joanne xx

  2. Fabulous page with the castle and fabby mushrooms.
    xoxo Sioux

  3. Hi Lindsay, the card is lovely and those little bunnies are so cute (as is Thomas). Your completed journal page is wonderful, I think the mushrooms make it look fun and vibrant. That is a great tip about the multi medium, will try that one.

  4. Hi Lindsay
    Came and sat with you for a while at Crabapple yesterday. You gave lots of fabulous tips - especially love the one with the glue & seal and distress inks. If you remember , they didn't have any left for me to buy so am busy finding some online because I really need this! It was lovely to see you again and thank you so much for the inspiration.
    Kind regards
    Dianne x
