Thursday, 25 March 2010

Where does the time go?

The old question.....but it does seem to go extraordinarily quickly these days. Possibly because of things like the shops having Easter Eggs on the shelves two days after Christmas or TV credits not being allowed to roll before the screen is chopped in half to advertise the next programme....does anyone else find that as infuriating as I do? I often want to check the name of an actor but the screen shrinks and the names are too tiny to read - aaargh! All of it contrives to make time seem to fly past.
All this is a preamble to me realising that I didn't post since last Friday - oops! No photos today either, but will add some shortly. Last Saturday at Crafts 4 U 2 Do was a lovely day with lots of frindly and enthusiastic crafters and, as ever, Sue, her family and staff really looked after us. It's a great shop with a little cafe on the premises which serves lovely home made soups, sandwiches etc and even freshly made crepes! David was with me as he was running me straight to the station afterwards for my journey to Chester-Le-Street and he was dashing about the shop finding various punches etc for the customers! It was a busy day and everyone loved the punches - of course! It was generally agreed that seeing the punched designs really is far better than just seeing them on the packs. Some which I have not been that excited by have become my favourites once I've punched them out....although I am very fickle and keep changing my mind about which ones I like the best!
My journey up to the North east was quite eventful. My train to York was fine and arrived in good time for me to get my connection...well, it would have been if my next train hadn't been cancelled with no explanation. The next train was an hour later so I was really fe up as I just wanted to get to my hotel in time to have a few hours to relax. I asked around and was told to get on an Edinburgh train that was about to leave and then ask the guard which stop to get off at. So, once on board I waited and waited for the ticket collector who never arrived. It was a really loooong train, so I set off to look for him but to no avail. We got to Durham so I asked some passengers if I should get off here or Newcastle to get a connection and they thought either would do. So, I plumped for Newcastle as it's a big station so I guessed there would be more trains. Oops! When I alighted I was told I should have got off at Durham after all and that the next train to Chester-Le-Street was not till just before 10pm, two hours away! I think they took pity on me when they saw my look of horror because I was told to see the station manager who immediately organised a taxi for me - which they paid for. Apparently this is a common thing and they had taxi'd over 100 people up to Edinburgh the previous wonder tickets cost so much!
After my eventful trip I was at Dainty Supplies the following day where I was using my favourite inks and a mixture of stamps including the Hero Arts sets as seen in the samples in my previous post.
This week I've been finishing work on a new project - lots of colouring which I love doing and a lot of measuring too, which I don't love quite so much! It's also been one of those weeks where the phone keeps ringing, the doorbell keeps buzzing, texts keep coming and emails need answering! Still, I am ploughing my way through everything steadily and surely. Right, coffee break over (including a delicious toasted hot cross bun!) so I will get back to work now and will post new photos as soon as I can. Lindsay


  1. Oh wow Lindsay! Some of your journeys sound really scary. I've spent many an hour in Newcastle station but your taxi trip just goes to show what a lovely lot the Geordies are. xx

  2. Hi Lindsay , Haven't popped in for a bit so thought i'd come on in and say hi, I have been busy card making and think my cards have improved a little here's hoping as i am so passionate about this hobby.
    Your journey sounded scary but i am glad your ok and i'm sure you won't forget the experience.

    well i'm off to play with some spring paper as its so dark and horrid here i need cheering up.
    hugs to you xx

  3. Golly busy again, I have lost March this year, think its cause I have been so busy!!!!
    Mmm it annoys me to the adverts starting when the credits are running, I think its rude to all the peeps who work on the programme cause you don't really see their names unless you peer at the screen!!!
    Off now to get on, Love Hazelxoxo
