Thursday, 26 November 2009

Absent without leave

It's been a bit of a disastrous week here! After a very busy day at Wickfords near Basildon on Saturday and then a lovely Sunday at Dawn's residential event, the plan was to spend this week working on new stamp sets which I need to have ready veeerrrry soon. However, all plans were scuppered when I woke up on monday morning with a nasty bug which got worse as the day went on. My eyeballs felt as if they were being pushed into my head and I just couldn't get on with anything - nightmare! So I've had three enforced days off which I couldn't afford right now and am now running way behind schedule and have to play catch up very quickly. I'm off down to Norwich tomorrow morning for my Saturday demonstration at Jarrolds department store (if you're in the area I think I'll be on the third floor!) so will be taking my pencils, pens and paper along with me and doing some sketching on the train!
I'm doing a, mostly, Ranger product based demonstration on Saturday, so have, today, made a few new non card samples, so will take photos whilst I'm away and post these, and ones from last weekend, next week (?!).
Apologies to Joanne, Helen, Sheila, Hazel and everyone else who I have been remiss in replying to...will catch up once I have caught up! I'm now all packed up ready for my early train tomorrow so I'm going to spend a bit of time on the drawings before dinner. Lindsay


  1. Lindsay, well you have been busy recently. Sorry to hear you have been unwell on top of that as well. Hope you enjoy the event you are doing this week-end but try to take it as easy as possible. Take care, Kym xxx

  2. No need to appologise . Mmm I know that feeling as I had it at the start of the week 2. Yucky bugs!!!!!I couldn't breath out of my nose and felt soooo tired!! Lovely.NOT You take care of yourself. Hope you have a fabby weekend.
    Love HAzelxox

  3. awe, sorry to hear you've been poorly. Hope you have a super Saturday. Sounds fun. I've an award on my blog for you. Don't worry about collecting it just yet you sound sooooo busy. Take care. Gez.xx

  4. Just get better that's all that matters. You will catch up one way or another 'cos sometimes deadlines are a blessing in disguise. Think positive hey David?

  5. Hi Lindsay

    I have seen the samples that you left at work ( Jarrolds ) in Norwich.
    They are beautiful and everyone is commenting on them, I am sorry I missed your demo on Saturday.
