Friday, 30 October 2009

Thank you She!

I got this very colourful award this week, so thank you She for including me. I now have to pass it on to five other people and tell you five interesting things about myself...mmmm, that may prove tricky!!! It's hard to choose just five bloggers too, but I'll pass it to:
Sarah McCrossan who always greets me with a big smile and a big hug!
My sister Heather Fenn-Edwards because this will make her smile!
Joanne of My Toby Jug who is one of the warmest people, along with her lovely husband, Terry, that I meet at events "up north"
Kym from Kym's Krafty Kards who was so wonderfully enthusiatic when I met her at a demonstration a couple of weeks ago
Debsg - whose comments always make me smile
But everyone who comments on here can take the award too, as I love reading your observations and your blogs. As to the five interesting things - I've used up quite a few on previous awards! So, here is what I can think of right now:
1. I used to be in a scrabble club and went to London to help at the World championships - I had to adjudicate on odd words and was in charge of the stopwatch! Gyles Brandreth, who founded the contest, was there and he was charming, funny and as eccentric as he comes across on the tv!
2. I don't get as much time to read as I'd like to, but I just finished the last Harry Potter book, so it feels like the end of an era!
3. I spent my 15th birthday in Leningrad when I was on a school holiday. The Russian people were the friendliest, as a nation, that I had ever met.
4. My sister thinks I'm psychic! Some odd things did happen when we were children, and we were convinced there was a poltergeist in our bedroom!
5. I had an "epiglotyl spasm" ('scuse spelling!) a few years ago which meant that I couldn't breathe in. It was the scariest experience of my life and it was only because David managed to keep me calm that I'm still here!
Well, they were five very random things, that's for sure! So, nominees...over to you now for your five things.
I am all set for the demonstration weekend at Dawn's now, though I do know there have been a few problems with the items that I am supposed to be using, so I may have to do a little bit of thinking on my feet! As a nod to the spooky date I have painted my nails black - guess what? I had no black nail polish, so have used a marker pen and overpainted with a glitter varnish....good thing that I am at home all next week as I may have trouble getting them clean again! I've also dug out my old witches hat and given it a bit of a revamp, so I'm sure there will be plenty of pictures to show you next week. Sarah texted me to say that she will be demonstrating there tomorrow as well, so we should have some fun.
Lastly, I just wanted to say that I have a mixture of feelings about Leonie leaving QVC. I'm really pleased and happy for her that she has this new adventure in her life and sure she will have a great time. But I'm also sad that we won't be meeting up at QVC or at Topaz anymore as I know Dawn is of course. Lindsay


  1. Lindsay, congratulations on receiving your award. Thank you for mine. It means a lot and your comments meant a lot. I have sent a little something to you and Dawn via her shop so hopefully you should get it by next time you are there in November. It's not much but just a little thank you for the Demo Day.

    Enjoy the Halloween event. Will look forward to seeing some photos on Dawn's site if she gets around to it. I know what you mean about Leonie and I've never even met her but she's got such a lovely personality and a passion for crafting - just like two other people I met recently!! - she will be missed so much by all that had the pleasure of working with her. I wish her well in her new venture though.

    This is what I've put in the posts to my five people:

    The lovely Lindsay Mason passed an award onto me. I have to pass it onto five people and you are one of them. Please have a look at my blog so you can see the rules and what five facts I’ve put about me. I shall look forward to seeing what you put about yourself.

    Here is the link to the post on my blog

    Best wishes

    Kym xxx

  2. Hi Lindsay - looking forward to seeing you and your Black nails later!! I'll miss Leonie - she is a breath of fresh air, but I wish her all the best and hope this makes her happy. Love S xxxx

  3. Thank you, Lindsay, for my first blog award *LOL* - going to have to think about this one!!! hmm, five facts that I can reveal - tricky!!

    Wish I could've come up to DB's yesterday to watch the demos, but no chance at the moment looking after our new kitten and getting little sleep!

  4. Awww thanks for my award Lindsay, you are too kind. :) x

  5. Congratulations on receiving your award Lindsay.xx Lovely to meet you this morning at Dawn's Studio. Great demo showing us how to acheive an inky background. I've had a go this afternoon & think I've finally got the hang... changing to a different card made all the difference...thanks.xx Can't remember the alternative colours to try!lol...I remembered weathered wood, faded jeans, dusty concorde & ......? brain like a seive! Thank You for signing your book to me....can't wait to have a try at some of the techniques. Great instructions. Happy crafting. Love Gez.xx
