Wednesday, 26 August 2009

A few more pictures

Right, let's see if the pictures behave and upload properly this time! Well, they did upload, but I wasn't able to move them around once they were up, so I'll try again now.
A couple more pics from Farmer Parr's....I was very fortunate to be there, camera ready, as this stunning Peacock put on a display for a singularly unimpressed Pea fact she ignored him so completely that he began to literally bristle with indignation, so that his tail feathers were quivering and making a sound like wind through bamboo. I had to take the picture through wires, hence the cropping of his tail, but what a gorgeous creature he was.
Next is me having a go at "Shove Halfpenny" (well, shove wooden discs actually!) which was one of the old games on display in the nostalgia museum on the farm. My dad doesn't look overly impressed with my efforts, but I did get a couple of good shots was actually great fun! Below is a picture of one of the pygmy goats (a young one) who looked as though he was making a bid to escape! He kept poking his head under the wire fencing although it looked like a painfully small gap to us. I doubt that the animals would want to escape from the farm though as they are all looked after really well and get lots of attention from all the visitors. Well worth a visit if you are near Fleetwood any time.
Whilst I'm on the animal theme, Matthew is progressing very well now and is even beginning to get a bit stroppy with the other birds. His tail feathers are growing very quickly now and his neck and back are fully covered again - amazing really.
Lastly, here are a couple of photos of the inside and back of the acetate card which I made at the weekend. These cards are easy to make so long as you remember to use double sided papers and cover all the adhesive so that nothing shows through. The great thing is that, although they are simple, they do look very expensive, and the style suits all sorts of themes. Using the Peppermint Twist papers and embellishments meant that everything co-ordinated really well, so I just had to use the right colours for my stamped image and some toning gem stones and ribbons.
I received a Cuttlebug machine today, to use with my new Nestabilities and Shapeabilities, so will be making sample cards combining them with stamping and K&Co papers. I'm not really a die cutting sort of person, but I am looking forward to using these. I'll post pictures as and when they are ready, and I will have them with me when I go up to Strikes in Carlisle on the 5th September. I spent today making cards for this Saturday's demonstration at Handmade Heaven in Chorley, combining Sakura pens with stamps, acetate, glitters etc - there is a light sparkly dusting around the room now!
My stamping book should be in the shops from tomorrow onwards and thank you for all the emails I have received about it. Your comments and good wishes are always apreciated. Well, it is time for dinner now, so I had better sign off for tonight. Lindsay

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lindsay,
    Great Pictures and i was very excited to hear about your new book all the very best of wishes with it , Will you be signing copies? On tv and now in print wow your famous *wink* Good Luck with it, Nice people deserve nice things and your a wonderful person i am thankful to have met and consider a friend, Hope you don't mind, Just one of those cups are half full and a stanger is a friend you haven't met yet kinda person ,Arent all crafters just the bubbliest and friendlist of peeps .
    Hugs Sharon xxx
