Well it's been a lovely couple of days, although the weather only improved as I was leaving Llandudno, so I had a rather windswept walk along the prom on Thursday! The sea air was great though and I slept really well - I must recommend the guest house (it's called no9) that I stayed at, as it was something really special.....charming decor, spotless, full of character yet up to date with little extra touches that made it a cut above the average, like a DVD library, freshly prepared fruit salad (no tinned stuff!) and home baked bread at breakfast etc, and Mandy, the owner, is a lovely, friendly lady who made me feel right at home. If you are going to Llandudno I highly recommend it http://www.no9llandudno.co.uk/ .
I had a busy old day in Liverpool today - hello to all the ladies (and gentlemen) who came to see me and hope you can all remember what to do with your new pens! Now it's time for a relaxing evening and a little "unwinding". I shall post some pictures tomorrow.
Finally, if you have requested a list of my items for sale and not yet received it - please email me to let me know, as the first ones that I sent out may not have come through to you due to a glitch! I don't want to re send them to everyone, so do let me know if you still haven't got yours. Have a great Sunday everyone and I shall post some piccies tomorrow. Lindsay
Hi Lindsay. Glad you had a good time and enjoyed your stay in Llandudno. Cheque for my goodies will be in the post tomorrow. :-)
The weather had been gorgeous, hasn't it? I have loved garden therapy :) I hope it last s a wee bit longer!
ReplyDeleteJust to say thanks for my great parcel of papers. Had to open it at lunch, could not wait till got home again tonight!
Glad you liked your goodies ladies! I had fun choosing the papers for you - I was surrounded by them picking them out sheet by sheet! Helena - glad you have been able to enjoy the garden and it's so lovely to hear the birds singing into the late evening.a real sound of summer. Lindsay x