Saturday, 10 January 2009

A late "Happy New Year"!

Apologies for being so long away from here. Hope you all had a lovely Christmas and a late "Happy New Year" to everyone.

My Christmas wasn't quite what I had in mind as the "bug" which I was suffering from turned out to be a severe ear infection, so I spent half my holiday going to and from the hospital! It was the most excrutiating pain that I've ever experienced! Thankfully the pain has now stopped, though I am still partly deaf with a loud ringing in my ear. All this has meant that I have been trying to catch up with work which got stamp designs!....and is why I haven't updated the blog till now.

If you look at the demonstration list you'll see that the Making Cards weekend workshops have been removed. Unfortunately, administration problems have meant that these have had to be put on hold for the time being, but I will let you know as and when they are back on track.

I feel as if I've been working with Christmas themes for so long now that it will be a real treat to get into fresh Spring designs. The designs that I'm working on now will be launched at Stitches, the huge trade show, in February, and I will, of course, post samples of new products and ideas on here soon after that. The very talented Tim Holtz and Suze Weinberg from Ranger will both be on the Personal Impressions stand along with myself, so I will endeavour to get some good pictures to post and maybe some Blog Candy from all three of this space!

Well, I must get on with putting the finishing touches to the new designs and will post again in the next couple of days. Stay warm's freezing here today! Lindsay


  1. Hello, Sorry to hear you have been poorly over the festive season, Hope that you get better soon. Ear things are always horrible as they jut throw you totally. Looking forward to seeing your new bits and pieces. Brrr its cold here too, Take Care Hazel xox

  2. Hope you are feeling better soon. Can i carry your bags and make you tea for the show in feb?? if not can you get me a lock of Tims hair and an autograph haha!!
